niedziela, 5 maja 2013

Salad with caramelized pear and Parsley

 Apparently salad but not the usual, amazed me! Especially caramelized parsley, yum. I think that on the party it will be great appetizer! 
And... onion marmalade, AMAZING!

We will need:
0.5 pieces of iceberg lettuce,
1 parsley ,
0.5 pear ,
50 grams of blue cheese ,
3 tablespoons onion marmalade (recipe below) ,
4 fruits of grapes ,
2 tsp shelled sunflower seeds ,
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar ,
2 teaspoons vinegar souce ,
2 tablespoons honey ,
2 tablespoons olive oil

Peel parsley and cut into strips, coat with olive oil and honey and bake in the oven at 180 degrees about 30 minutes. After baking, cool it. 
Mince iceberg lettuce, place on plate, lay out the rest of the ingredients, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and vinaigrette dressing. Finally sprinkle with sunflower seeds. 

recipe for onion marmalade:
1 white onion 
3.5 tablespoons  brown sugar 
1 tablespoon  olive oil 
2 tablespoons  dry red wine 
1 tablespoon  vinegar

Onions cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan on the hot oil, fry, add sugar, caramelize, pour the wine and vinegar. Simmer until it softens. Vigorous stirring crush it :) Cool it.

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